The NSNU conducts research and produces reports on issues that affect nurses in all areas of health care. Check out our recent publications. For more information about NSNU research, contact NSNU Researcher/Government Relations/OH&S Specialist, justin.hiltz [at] (justin[dot]hiltz[at]nsnu[dot]ca).

Broken Homes

Broken Homes – Nurses speak out on the state of long-term care in Nova Scotia and chart a course for a sustainable future gives an overview of our current long-term care system and supplies evidence-based recommendations that can be used to address the problems facing residents, nurses and other care workers. 

Nursing Potential

Nursing Potential

Nurses possess a tremendous wealth of knowledge about how our health system works, and plenty of ideas about how it could work better. For these reasons, the NSNU embarked on research to make recommendations on how we can build better access to primary care. Our Nursing Potential – Optimizing Nursing and Primary Health Care report and campaign are a tribute to nurses’ knowledge, and an opportunity to share it with the broader public.

Staffing Standards for Nova Scotia’s Nursing Homes

The Nova Scotia Nurses’ Union (NSNU) released a paper on June 26, 2020 that recommends staffing ratios for Nova Scotia’s long-term care sector, and revisits issues discussed in the 2015-2016 Broken Homes report on the state of long-term care (LTC) in Nova Scotia.

CFNU Canadian Labour Congress