NNW 2024

#NationalNursingWeek2024 takes place May 6-12th, with the theme Changing Lives. Shaping Tomorrow.

The theme recognizes the remarkable impact that nurses have on individuals, communities, and the future of health care.

Nurses play a crucial role in directly impacting the lives of patients. Through care, compassion and expertise, nurses make a difference. Nurses also advocate for their patients, ensuring they receive the best possible care and support. 

Nurses are at the forefront of health-care innovation, enabling advancements in treatments, technologies, and patient care practices, readying us for the future. Nurses, as educators, have a significant influence on shaping the next generation of health-care professionals. Their knowledge and mentorship inspire others.

Throughout National Nursing Week and beyond, the Nova Scotia Nurses’ Union celebrates our nurses and their commitment to improving the health and well-being of Nova Scotians.



Nursing advocacy can’t stop with patients, it must extend to the profession. Changing Lives. Shaping Tomorrow also speaks to the state of nursing and the high esteem in which the profession is held.

Nurses can elevate themselves by being self-promoters, by sharing what makes you strong and proud to be a nurse.

We talk at length about the problems in nursing, and that’s imperative to enact change. By including positive conversations about the profession, we inspire others to follow in our footsteps.

This National Nursing Week, we are encouraging members to share a Self(ie) with a brief description of what makes you proud to be a nurse! Send your submission by email to communications [at] nsnu.ca with the subject line "MySelf(ie)".

Local Celebrations

National Nursing Week is a time to come together and celebrate! Your Local may choose to mark the occasion by holding a virtual or in-person event, buying a cake or lunch, or donating to a food bank or shelter charity, as some have done in the past. 

However you choose to celebrate, please tag us in your photos or email them to us. We will share your photos and stories on social media and in our newsletter.

Send Your Local Celebrations to communications [at] nsnu.ca (communications[at]nsnu[dot]ca)!

2023 Nursing Week



Watch Now
NNW Message from Janet Hazelton


National Nursing Week 2024
NNW Materials

NSNU's National Nursing Week Poster

Canadian Nurses Association: NNW Webpage

Canadian Nurses Association Downloadables

because we love our members

Our NSNU Escape page is  dedicated to giving nurses a much deserved break and an opportunity to relax as you celebrate National Nursing Week!

CFNU Canadian Labour Congress