Expression of Interest: Long Term Care and Community Care Provincial Negotiating Committees

The NSNU is accepting Expression of Interest submissions for the selection of the Long Term Care and Community Care provincial negotiating committees.  The structure of these Committees is as follows:

The composition of the Long-Term Care Provincial Negotiating Committee includes:

1. Provincial President
2. Vice-President Long Term Care
3. Four (4) members at large employed in the long-term care sector, with one
member at large from each of the four regions (Central, Western, Northern, Eastern)

Each region will require at least one (1) alternate member-at-large for this sector. If the member-at-large from this sector needs to be replaced, the alternate with the greatest number of votes will be appointed.

The composition of the Community Care (VON) Provincial Negotiating Committee includes:

1. Provincial President
2. Vice-President Community Care
3. Four (4) members at large employed by the Victorian Order of Nurses, with one member-at-large from each of the four regions (Central, Western, Northern, Eastern)

Each region will require at least one (1) alternate member-at-large for this sector. If the member-at-large from this sector needs to be replaced, the alternate with the greatest number of votes will be appointed.

The NSNU deadline to submit this form is end of day June 16th, 2023.

You will not receive a confirmation email once you submit your online form, but as a contingency we ask that you also submit a bio and photo (headshot) to [at] (nsnu[dot]office[at]nsnu[dot]ca) to attach as part of your expression of interest. Bios and photos will be posted on a designated webpage within

The voting process has yet to be determined.

* Indicates required field

CFNU Canadian Labour Congress